〒224-0041 神奈川県横浜市都筑区仲町台1-3-7
横浜市営地下鉄ブルーライン 仲町台駅より徒歩1分
第三京浜 都筑インターより5分
EDIC SYSTEMS supplies the best analogue and digital electronic circuit design to customers who have a trouble planning them.
We also have the advantage of being designing high-frequency wave analogue circuit and high integrated logic signal processing. So we support to develop in fields of communication (Wireless, Wired and High frequency digital), measurement, control (Communication measurement sensor), recognition (Image and Sound) and whole integrated these fields.
◆Our design service
Do you have any trouble in design of circuit?
We supply the following designing services what can solve your trouble.
< Digital control circuit service >
“Have trouble designing sequencer in control circuit.”
“Have trouble controlling DDR2, DDR3, LVDS and sRIO high-speed bus.”
Digital control circuit service can solve these problems.
It designs timing control and sequence in system using CPLD and FPGA.
→Digital control circuit service
<Digital operational circuit design >
This service designs a high-speed operational circuit using CPU, DSP and FPGA.
Please ask us to design high-speed digital signal processing circuit like a high q filter that analogue circuit can't work out, various error correction circuit and OFDM modulation and demodulation using FFT.
→Digital operational circuit design
<High-frequency circuit (distributed constant) design>
This service designs impedance matching in print pattern that mainly exceeds 3GHz high frequency analogue circuit contains placement into print board and various filters by the best distributed constant circuit.
This is suitable for you who would like a stable high-frequency circuit.
Analogue circuit such as over 3GHz needs an implementation inquest and designs to consider the impact of chassis.
→High-frequency circuit (distributed constant)design
<3 Dimension CAD design by multiple machine>
This service designs confirmable complex combination using two-dimensional designing and three dimensions CAD in mechanism design. It also designs the best radiation.
In designing electronic device, radiation can become a major issue. So it is important that designing mechanism suited electronic circuit design.
→3 Dimension CAD design by multiple machine
There are “Hardware system design service”, “Software system design service”, “Analogue circuit (lumped constant) design service” and other design services.
We supply service tailored your trouble, please feel free to contact us.
→Hardware system design service
→Software system design service
→Analogue circuit (lumped constant) design service
横浜市営地下鉄ブルーライン 仲町台駅より徒歩1分
第三京浜 都筑インターより5分